Copyright @ StudioSit SA
Via Massimiliano Magatti 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
We have over 40 proprietary geographic databases
StudioSit SA is a swiss, former italian company, operating in geographical data in-field detection activities.
We believe our main goals will affect the eventuality of achieving the full territorial mapping coverage of southern European countries, one day.
Geolocated addresses, spot by spot parking lots, 3D buildings and geolocated Speed limits, together they represent 90% of our geodatabases and business. Our customers are the world reference players in global social life and automotive navigation devices.
Our creed bring us to a deep respect for the three elements qualifying a value added geographical data: Accuracy, Completeness and Updating.
With this focus on our mind, we travel towns, cities and countries, and we survey and detect all we can reach (no matter if) driving or walking.
Our customers are Italian Local Government and the World Reference Players in global social life and automotive navigation devices.