Copyright @ StudioSit SA
Via Massimiliano Magatti 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
Copyright @ StudioSit SA
Via Massimiliano Magatti 1
6900 Lugano - Switzerland
There are more than one hundred thousand parking lots for public use around Italy. According to certain prestigious studies, the presence of said parking areas - from the biggest and most functional multi-storey parking garages (surveyed with laser scanning techniques and released as a floor-by-floor shapefile indicating every single parking space, stairwell, elevator, electric vehicle charging stations, etc.), all the way to the smallest and sometimes under-used open lot for cars and motorbikes; doesn’t always seem to be common knowledge among people, due to an information gap that has yet to be filled.
StudioSit SA is currently managing on-the-ground mapping drives whose focus is to satisfy this exact need, specifically pertaining to the public’s ever-growing use of digital devices.
By analyzing our data, local governments and private companies, the target audience to which we refer, can get answers to different, but at the same time urgent, questions for the ordinary road system
There are more than one hundred thousand parking lots for public use around Italy. According to certain prestigious studies, the presence of said parking areas - from the biggest and most functional multi-storey parking garages (surveyed with laser scanning techniques and released as a floor-by-floor shapefile indicating every single parking space, stairwell, elevators and more), all the way to the smallest and sometimes under-used open lot for cars and motorbikes; doesn’t always seem to be common knowledge among people, due to an information gap that has yet to be filled. StudioSit is currently managing on-the-ground mapping drives whose focus is to satisfy this exact need, specifically pertaining to the public’s ever-growing use of digital devices.
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